A new audio documentary series We Only Want The Earth, produced by the Contemporary Music Centre with support from Athena Media/PodcastingIreland and funding from the Sound and Vision Scheme, CnaM, starts on RTÉ lyric fm, March 17th 6pm . The series, presented by Jonathan Grimes of the Contemporary Music Centre, explores how composers in Ireland are engaging with the climate emergency and telling that story in their work. Grimes, a keen cyclist, took to slow travel to record the series and covered over 1,000kms to chat with composers and hear about how the climate theme and concern for our shared future on the planet is flowing into their work and music. The series is produced by Jonathan Grimes and Helen Shaw – Athena Media.
“The feeling of catastrophe – it’s somewhat louder when you hear it” – Karen Power, composer.
Listen: CMCIreland · We Only Want The Earth – Audio Preview
Read : Journal of Music on We Only Want The Earth
Read: Contemporary Music Centre on We Only Want The Earth